When you call you will always speak directly with a Professional Exterminator

Give us a call and we can discuss the safest and most affordable efficient way of eliminating the pests that are bugging you.
We at the PEST AUTHORITY INC. have been proudly serving our Nassau & Suffolk County Neighbors for more than 23 years.

Animal Trapping and Removal

All nuisance animals are humanely removed from your property by an N.Y.S. Licensed Wildlife Trapper.

We get them out. And we keep them out. And we clean-up the mess they have made!
(Birds and nests removed. Nesting sites sealed off).


Raccoon Removal FAQ

Question: Can you remove raccoons in my backyard?
Answer: By law, nuisance wildlife trappers cannot remove wildlife unless they are doing physical damage to property or your family is threatened by them.

Question: Do raccoons do damage inside attics?
Answer: Yes. They can soil areas with urine and fecal material. They can completely ruin insulation this way.

Question: Do squirrels and raccoons chew wires?
Answer: Squirrels chew wires and lots of other things. Raccoons, on the other hand, do not. They do their damage with urine and fecal material.

Question: I think raccoons are living under my deck. What do I do?
Answer: The raccoons should be removed. If they are destroying property or threatening your family they can be trapped. After they are removed, you should consider rodent prevention or screening the deck. Pest Authority can do this.

Question: I am hearing noises. How can I tell what they are from?
Answer: First, remember that raccoons are nocturnal (awake at night) and squirrels are not (they sleep at night). So if you’re hearing scuffing and shuffling in walls or the attic, chances are they are squirrels. Loud noises at night generally indicate raccoons. Please don't forget that the intruder could be a mouse or rat.

Question: I have no pets but I have fleas. Where did they come from?
Answer: Fleas have to be brought in by something. Squirrels and raccoons carry fleas. Chances are if you have fleas and no pets, a squirrel, raccoon or rat brought them in.

Question: I found a dead animal in my house. What concerns should I have?
Answer: When an animal dies you will find many ectoparasites including: fleas, carpet beetles and lice. When the animal is removed it is a good idea to treat the nesting area to eliminate the possibility of a different infestation.

Question: Can squirrels and raccoons fit into my chimney?
Answer: Yes. In fact it is very common. A simple solution is to get a chimney cap installed. Contact us for pricing.

Question: How many squirrels can there be nesting in my attic?
Answer: Since squirrels are very social, you can expect their whole family to nest there. Typically 2-12 squirrels will be nesting in your attic.


Raccoons: Inquisitive, methodical, intelligent, strong and destructive. For a homeowner a raccoon may be their worst nightmare. Ranging from 22-44 pounds, a raccoon is a sizeable intruder. Often nesting in houses, raccoons have become a nuisance pest in the Northeast United States. The raccoon is from the genus Procyon in the family Procyonedae. They prefer wooded swampy areas often near water and avoid high elevations. Breeding is from February to early March with a 63 day gestation period. The litters are generally 1-7 young. If it is consistently below 25 degrees or if it snows a lot, they will become dormant, spending weeks in a deep sleep yet never actually going into hibernation.

Raccoons can be destructive and leave quite a mess where they are nesting. The fecal matter and urine can ruin insulation, ceilings and any other area they nest in. The removal of nesting raccoons should be left to a professional New York State Licensed Trapper since they can be dangerous and carry rabies. For a complete inspection and evaluation please contact us and we will be happy to make an appointment to come over at your convenience.

Squirrels: Squirrels are members of the rodent family Sciuridae and typically have a long bushy tail and slender body. Squirrels vary in size from such tiny tropical forms as the pygmy squirrels, Myosciurus, of Africa, which are about 130mm (5 in) in length including the tail, to the giant squirrels, Ratufa, of Asia, which may attain 91cm (36in). The American eastern gray squirrel, Sciurus Carolinensis, typical of the tree squirrels, is native to the forests of the eastern half of the United States. They normally nest in tree hollows or may construct leaf nests, which are used mainly as feeding shelters. Gray squirrels may breed in midwinter and again in late spring. Gestation is about 44 days, with usually two to four young per litter. Squirrels are very social animals and nest with their families. One can expect from 2-12 squirrels may be nesting together, this includes when they nest in an attic.

Contact us today! We look forward to helping you with any of your residential or commercial pest control needs.


Identify what's bugging you:

Ants - Pest Authority Inc
Bed Bugs - Pest Authority Inc
Bees - Pest Authority Inc
Centipedes - Pest Authority Inc
Crickets - Pest Authority Inc
Earwigs - Pest Authority Inc
Fleas - Pest Authority Inc
Flies - Pest Authority Inc
Roaches - Pest Authority Inc
Spiders - Pest Authority Inc
Ticks - Pest Authority Inc 

Our Services

  • Residential +

    Residential You always speak with the owner, local & friendly. When the occasional invader arrives at Read More
  • Commercial +

    Commercial Your business will be given a top to bottom inspection. The safest most effective method Read More
  • Animal Trapping and Removal +

    Animal Trapping and Removal All nuisance animals are humanely removed from your property by an N.Y.S. Licensed Wildlife Trapper. Read More
  • Rodent Control +

    Rodent Control Mice and rats are a serious business. In your home, running around your trash cans Read More
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#1 Exterminator on Long Island. You always speak with the owner. Pest & plague control. Read More
Pest Authority Inc. #1 Exterminator on Long Island

Pest Authority Inc. #1 Exterminator on Long Island

We live and work alongside you, our neighbors! At Pest Authority we are just good honest hard working people looking to provide you value for your hard earned dollar.

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